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New Bathroom Upstairs

Well, it’s winter and a bit fewer B&B guests so it’s time for us to do things we can’t do when there are a lot of guests… we just had Sonja’s bathroom tiled. Out with the old shower and floor and in with the new tile and it looks beautiful! Of course one thing leads to another and since there would be a mess with the bathroom work isn’t this a good time to put in new carpeting?! Since we’re doing that we can rearrange the room… well we’re pleased with the outcome. My mom helped iron and put up freshly washed curtains. We’re ready for you to enjoy your stay here!


Peak Phlox Viewing

The phlox in the woods on the south side of the inn are just fantastic! They’re so tall this year – some six feet high! The colors are glorious with so many variations ranging from deep rose to light pink/pink and white, to white pedals… time to come and see for yourself!

Our Story in The Country Today

Robert and I were interviewed by Sara Bredesen for the newspaper, The Country Today, and she created a wonderful article that tells our story! There are some great pictures of us and Crystal River Inn. Check out


We walked the Labyrinth today

Today a family came by to celebrate Labyrinth Day by walking ours. The short grass prairie is pretty dry and only tender young shoots are coming up so it’s not as visible as later in the spring and summer but we were delighted to be out on this fresh, warm, clear spring day with a gentle breeze and birds flying overhead. We saw sand hill crane, bluebirds and tree swallows. What a joy! You’re welcome to walk our labyrinth, too.

Latest Culinary Delight: Elwood’s Quail Eggs

Robert used Elwood’s quail eggs to create this new dish that the British would call “Toad in a Hole.”  Elwood is the youngest Riley who is now passionate about raising quail. He’s in the second grade. His folks own Riley Crest Organic farm where we get all our eggs and pork and maple syrup. He’s a great kid who loves his birds! Isn’t this a beautiful plate. Better yet, it’s really delicious! Our guests loved it last Saturday morning.


Magnificent Fall Colors Here!

SignBlackEyedSusanLast weekend we had an outdoor wedding here and the temperature and sunshine with gorgeous fall colors were all, as the bride said, “Perfect!” Here’s just one picture of our front yard and sign with the Black Eyed Susans and fallen red maple leaves.


Walk the Labyrinth in the Light of the Moon

Last night about 9 p.m. Robert and I walked up to the labyrinth and basked in the moonlight. What a sight! We could walk the labyrinth without any artificial light. The mosquitoes were not hungry for some reason and Robert and I were awed by the sight – we could even see and smell to identify some of the blooming prairie flowers and grasses, and the sound of crickets rang out – we were were enchanted by the experience. There were some clouds that passed over the harvest moon and we had a distinct darkening but in no time again the moon shone like a beacon.  Come and see for yourself! ~ Deb

“My Family and Other Hazards” Is A Treat

I just finished reading June Melby’s book, “My Family and Other Hazards” and it’s been a real treat for me. I don’t recall ever feeling so much camaraderie with an author before reading this book. Since Robert and I lived in Southern California for so many years we have that in common as well as Norwegian ancestry, our parents have much the same work ethic, many in our families  went to St. Olaf College… we have/had a business in our home so have guests around much of the time!  June’s sense of humor (in our relationship Robert is the one with a sense of humor) and her ability to weave so many aspects of life into this rich story of her family life is engaging and fun. It’s also poignant. She’s gained wisdom and insight with her years. For all these things I am so grateful! 

“My Family and Other Hazards” Just Published by June Melby

June Melby’s recently published memoir, My Family and Other Hazards, is TERRIFIC! I don’t want to put it down. It’s about her life growing up in Waupaca when her family owned and operated Tom Thumb Miniature Golf Course. Her writing is entertaining and for those of us who grew up in the mid-west with Scandinavian heritage oh so true! Each chapter has a theme taken from one of the hazards on the course – she is so clever! That she was a stand up comedienne in LA when we lived in CA adds to my enjoyment.  We were thrilled to host her family for their big reunion in Waupaca and got to hear more family stories. We were so surprised when an unrelated guest (librarian) arrived the day after they left who asked what I was reading. I told him it was a new book by June Melby. The librarian said, “I just read it. It’s great!” It’s got a lovely review from the Christian Science Monitor. It’s on the New York Times Best Seller list under sports section. Check it out.

Waupaca Arts on the Square August 15-16

We support Arts on the Square! What a fun weekend celebrating the arts. The artists bring their work for us to be inspired and to bring home! This little community is an attractive place for many artists to live and thrive. We appreciate the many art forms contributing to this weekend!

Arts on the Square

Come and see for yourself.  We’ve got lodging availability – we’d love to have you stay with us!