One Hundred (different) Birds on Inn’s Life List
We have reached 100 species of birds on our Inn’s life list, a list of definite identifications since November 16, 2006. We limit it to sightings or hearings while on the Inn property. While many are birds we, Deb and Robert, have seen, many are by far more expert birders for whom we give great thanks.
We just added several birds sighted last May by some wonderful, and expert guests and that brought our total up to 100 species!
The number of area birds are far more than that as Hartman Creek State Park three mile down Rural Road has a list of over 250 species.
- A great place for birding, the area has an amazing variety of habitats from river, lakes, cattail marshes, tamarack swamps, sedge meadows, prairies, pine and oak woods, upland hardwoods and more.