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Summer Quiet Get Away on the River

2016ConeflowersMoreWell Robert and I had a nearly perfect lunch in our gazebo today. It’s sunny and warm but with a gentle breeze I couldn’t ask for better weather. The Crystal River is flowing by and we can hear the birds singing . . . ahhhh as many of our guests say, “You’ve got a slice of heaven here!” I got up from lunch and snapped a picture of our cone flowers as I walked around the front of the house. I sure enjoy seeing them and it’s the view from the Canopy Room screened in porch.

Freckled Frogg Fantastic Salads

Freckled Frogg LunchOne of our favorite local restaurants is Freckled Frogg, just a few miles down the road – we like to ride our bicycles there for a refreshing lunch either before or after a long ride on our beautiful Rustic Roads in Waupaca County.

Here’s what we had earlier this week – everything fresh and lovely!


Short Grass Prairie in Bloom

Short Grass Prairie BloomsMagnificent coreopsis, pale cone flower, butterfly weed . . . lots to see in our short grass prairie. Here’s a friend enjoying the blooms up by the labyrinth. The weather’s great too!

Fireflies Create Magical Forest

What an unexpected delight to see the fireflies in the woods behind the inn at twilight. I went around telling guests who were in the parlor and front of the inn to come around and see the magical sight. SO many lights going sparkling for just a moment. We sat and watched for quite a while. To just relish this time and place … ahhh … happy summer solstice!

Cottage for the family open this weekend

LHOP_2016_SpringWe’re in a beautiful time of year with the native plants and iris blossoming and over at the inn there’s a succession of our lilac bushes blooming – such a delight for over a month!

There are lots of folks out enjoying bicycling, hiking, kayaking and playing in the water.

Our Little House on the Prairie, just right for families -sleeps six, is still open – y’all come on up for Strawberry Fest this weekend!

Bike Week in Waupaca for a Great Time

We love bicycling and what’s so great is to be able to ride right out the driveway onto “Rustic Roads” which are scenic, quiet, gently rolling and abundant! Robert’s got a goal of riding 2,000 miles this year and he’s made a good start. Last week he logged 100 miles and he keeps it interesting by going a different route each day. We can guide you on an excellent ride whether it’s just a few miles around the inn or going on back roads all the way to Appleton – 45 miles. What fun! We’ve got a great breakfast to fuel your trip, too!

Kayak the Crystal River – it’s Great!

Robert and I celebrated Memorial Day by serving B&B guests a delicious breakfast then taking a bicycle ride down Rural Road and then got in our kayaks and made the fastest trip ever! The river is the highest we’ve seen and it makes water navigation fun and easy. Usually the Crystal is pretty low with lots of maneuvering around rocks which is fun and challenging so going OVER the rocks is quite a surprise! The weather was sunny and warm – perfect. Everywhere is green and luscious for the senses: sound of water rushing and birds singing, gentle rocking of the kayak, smell of freshly watered earth and vegetation. What a fantastic day we had together in Waupaca County.

Planting our vegetable garden. . .

It’s been great, if hot, weather for planting our vegetable garden we’ve got it almost in, thanks to a sunny day that was supposed to be a rainy one!

This morning from our garden we served fresh asparagus and chives on fresh eggs and bacon from the Riley Crest organic farm. I made toast with Robert’s whole wheat (Wisconsin organic as well) bread and our grape and plum jam we made from wild fruit we found just down Rural Road… ahhhh it’s so fun to fix local, fresh and delicious breakfasts. When we finished serving I asked Robert to fix me some eggs – I just couldn’t resist what guests proclaimed, “perfect eggs!” And they were – yum!

Wonderful folk concert last evening

Oh I wish you could have been here last evening for a really lovely time enjoying the music of Kate and Bill Isles. They write songs that we love to hear over and over again. They both play guitar and sing and it’s enchanting and fun, we laughed and cried at their touching stories. Check out their web site:

We had a delicious pot luck with several dozen friends before the concert and since the weather was so gorgeous some sat outside in the gazebo overlooking the Crystal River. One of whom was celebrating her birthday so I served her a  “Tres Leches” cake topped with fresh strawberries and blueberries – she got her wish of something different for her special day!

Spring Peepers are Peeping!

Last evening for the first time we heard the spring peepers who live in the frog pond behind the barn. They’re tiny little frogs who have BIG voices! We’re always thrilled to hear them since it means spring is here. It’s been raining most of the day, our crocus are up, Robert’s planned out the garden, it’s getting warmer outside… life is good!